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World Mental Health Day 10th November 2019 Resources for schools and school leaders

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world mental health day

Date 6th Nov 2019

Mental health and wellbeing should be ‘everybody’s business’ and with 50% of mental illnesses starting before the age of 14, teachers are often on the frontline when it comes to mental health and wellbeing.

To mark World Mental Health Day on 10th October we’re sharing some practical and informative resources for primary school pupils and staff to help boost mental health. The resources aim to give school leaders and staff the opportunity to talk about the importance of good mental health and to think about ways to help support the wellbeing of staff and pupils

Make your school a mentally healthy school

Whether you are a school leader, teacher or member of support staff, mentallyhealthyschools are providing some free tips and advice to help you get started and make mental health a whole-school priority.

Enrol in our Supporting Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools course

From September 2019, children’s mental health and wellbeing has seen a more prominent place in Ofsted’s new inspection framework. Furthermore, schools are also being encouraged to appoint and train a senior mental health lead who will support colleagues and implement whole-school approaches.

Support your school and take your understanding to the next level with our Supporting Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools course. CPD certified for 20 hours of learning, it’s available from just £90pp and has been designed to supply schools with the tools they need to create an effective whole-school approach to supporting all children’s mental health and wellbeing.


Further reading:

You can also stay up to date on wellbeing and mental health developments with the latest OLT blogs:

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Finally, why not like or link in with us on social media? You can stay connected with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest news, blogs and stories regarding wellbeing and mental health.

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