Improving learner outcomes


The following testimonials are a selection of comments made by participants in their post-course evaluation, and impact statements 90 days after passing their course.

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Group of people
I have learned a great deal on how to support a pupil with VI and have been able to use this information in practice, e.g. new knowledge on additional low impact visual aids which I have now implemented for use in class to support Pupil X. I am more aware in how to meet the needs of the pupil and feel more confident in my day-to-day practice. I also found the case studies particularly informative and useful - these gave me a greater understanding of the needs of a VI pupil and how to meet them.

Senior Leader

Vision Impairment

I have improved in confidence with creating SMART targets following assessment and suggesting specific strategies of intervention to support children to meet their SMART targets.
As my role is very similar to mentoring the impact has mainly been on how I would approach working with a VI student. E.g. greatly increased confidence in talking to VI students about their needs; increased awareness of the impact that VI can have on learning and development as a whole. This has also meant a more joined up approach to VI students that is inclusive and takes into account the implications of a social model of disability and the wider adjustments that should be made to allow VI students equal access.

Advisory Teacher

Vision Impairment FE

Very informative and really makes you think about how much a visual impairment affects learning

Teaching Assistant

Vision Impairment FE

I feel I've the experience and knowledge to see when a child has dyslexic tendencies but this course has given me support and better understanding. I can see that I've been moving in the right direction but have a better idea of strategies and ideas to implement in the classroom.

Qualified Teacher


The main thing I have taken from this course, among many others, is how to be very focused and specific in the setting of targets and interventions. I have realised I had a tendency to be quite broad in my outcomes - simply saying a child will learn a new sound - and didn't break the targets down in the necessary components. My tutor has been invaluable in helping me with this and it will definitely have a positive impact on both my teaching and my target setting for my TA.
My 'view' of Dyslexia has completely changed. I am keen to make changes in my school, along with the SENCo. and possibly obtain Dyslexia friendly school status at some point in the future.

Other Position


Face to face session to follow soon, first session was induction related. The training was very helpful for me to identify how I can support school staff in implementing strategies I mention more effectively in the classroom
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