DFE back to school guidance for September. What you need to know.
Date 7th Jul 2020
New guidance from the Department for Education (DFE) regarding plans for the full re-opening of schools in September is now available for schools.
The guidance published on 2 July includes details to help schools prepare for all children and young people to return to full-time education in the new academic year.
It includes plans to:
•lift current restrictions on group sizes to allow schools, colleges and nurseries to fully reopen to all children and young people as COVID-19 infection rates continue to fall
•keep children in class or year group sized ‘bubbles’ and encourage older children and staff to keep their distance from each other where possible
•encourage testing if staff, pupils or their families develop COVID-19 symptoms and provide access to easy to use home testing kits for children and staff who would otherwise be unable to get a test
•increase the frequency of cleaning and minimise contact in corridors
•take action in circumstances where there is a positive case in a school or college.
What about special schools?
There is separate guidance for special schools, early years, childcare providers and FE colleges and providers. The expectation is that children and young people with SEND will be able to return to full-time provision from the beginning of the Autumn term.
The guidance is split into the following five parts:
- minimise the risk of coronavirus transmission
- school operations
- curriculum, behaviour and pastoral support
- assessment and accountability
- contingency planning for outbreaks
Further guidance
Further detail on some of the other areas outlined in the guidance will be published in the coming weeks
Full guidance for mainstream schools and special schools / other specialist settings can be found on the DFE website.