Over the last two years, OLT have worked in partnership with the National Sensory Impairment Partnership (NatSIP) training advisory teams to deliver our online courses in HI, VI and MSI to teaching staff.
As of February 2019, 836 participants had completed their courses, with another 276 part of the way through.
Evaluation data for those who’ve finished demonstrates significantly improved confidence in their knowledge and skills – you can see pre and post-course comparisons below.
“Currently I am a practising QTVI but am always open to ideas and have enjoyed reading the materials and watching the videos. There's never an end to developing knowledge of VI. There are so many variations. I am currently working with a child who is 1 in 3 in the UK with a particular problem, very interesting and stimulating to draw together information and support for the student and the family.
“The video footage of experienced teachers giving advice and recommendations was really useful. Listening to a variety of children from different age groups was also helpful. I am more focused on the need to monitor progress and monitor that planning is given out in advance so that work can be modified. Would certainly recommend the course.
“This course has been of great help to me as I have learned to look out for things that might hinder my students learning. The sessions with my tutor have been of enormous help. I am so pleased and grateful that she enrolled me on this course.
Learning Support Assistant
“Doing this course has given me a better understanding of the obstacles that VI students face on a day to day basis, and how determined they are to become independent. It has also given me the confidence to meet the needs of these students and make the necessary changes for them to access the lesson.
Learning Support Assistant
“I loved this training. It helped me a lot. I liked very much the videos included in the units. Also, the video transcripts were really helpful for me as English is not my first language. I already started using some of the strategies provided by the course. These allowed me to improve the communication with the boy I support at school giving me a more effective way to interact with him. I also started using new educational provisions. I am passionate about this way of being able to help children who have VI. In my opinion, whoever works with a child with VI should do this training.
Learning Support Assistant
“I feel that the course videos have had a massive influence on how I perceive the children’s abilities and how there are small nuances that I had previously not even thought about, in terms of the effects on a child’s learning and social interactions. The information in the course has given me a lot of food for thought and enabled me to have clearer, more positive, ideas for supporting the child I support.
Learning Support Assistant
“The online training has helped me to be more understanding of my student’s needs and much more able to support him effectively. I have used the Swell machine for the first time. It is rewarding to see how this impacts on my student’s learning and that he is more able to access the lesson effectively. I am also more confident with mobility to help my student get around more independently. I am pleased I have done the course.
Teaching Assistant
“I have removed myself from the student's side in a number of lessons as I feel that she is capable of completing tasks using her iPad. She was beginning to display overly reliant traits towards the help I was providing, but now she is becoming much more independent.
Teaching Assistant
“This training has given me an opportunity to step back and reflect on my day-to-day practice. Quite often, I find myself engrossed in dealing with issues that would crop up during a school visit which require an immediate follow up meaning that I may overlook the whole picture of an individual child's needs. This course reinforced and embedded in me that I should always consider all the aspects of the child's difficulties and the learning environment when setting both short and long-term outcomes.
“I think this training has been excellent. Having worked as a QTVI for a number of years it was refreshing to see that I do seem to be doing some things right!! I found the piece on KS4 especially interesting as I have a totally blind, very intelligent student due to enter year 12 in September. We need to think carefully about his equipment – he will need a Braille note and a more efficient screen reader. I also found the Special School clips interesting – I have not used a Resonance board and therefore will start introducing/ working with this in my special schools.
“The Visual impairment training has given me the knowledge and confidence to set goals that are realistic and specific for the individual student and their needs by putting in place adjustments and resources that support each student. This has impacted on the outcomes as I feel I set goals that were achievable when repeated with support until some of the students were familiar and confident in knowing what they were doing and why they were doing it. I feel the outcomes have helped some of the students to move closer to being more independent.